
BND- Chapter 12.

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Looking around her room, the girl left her spot, snatching up a slip of paper that was sticking out from under her nightstand, and a pen that laid inside one of it’s drawers. Writing quickly, she returned to the window, holding her message out as far as her arms would let her.

‘Play me another, will ya Cowboy?’

A sweet smile spread across the boy’s lips as he reached on his bed and set his tattered Cowboy hat on to match his boots and strummed on Touka once more, unable to take his eyes off the girl across the street.

“Hey! Wake up!” Allie bellowed through the house, her heels tapping on the floor as she ran around the kitchen, searching for the food her children desperately needed. Chloe was the first to come down the stairs, her fingers running through her curly hair. She eyed the woman before smiling. “Hey Sweet-heart. Ready to finally get 'out' of the house?” She used air quotes around one of the words, remembering the several times she had released her daughter.

The teen nodded a few times. “Yes, finally returning to school. Away from Bloo.” She smiled. She enjoyed calling her Father how she did when she was little, but she only did because she still hated the male, not completely though. (Thankfully.)

“It's too bad about the stupid in-human law. You'd probably spend your entire time making kissy faces at Kyle.” Allie teased, flipping a freshly made pancake. She didn't have to look at her daughter to know her face was bright red. “I've seen you stare out the window.”

“You have?!” She cried out.

“Hush, you'll wake your father.”

“But, you yelled earlier?”

“I've been with him for many years now. He has grown immune to my voice. Only way I can wake him up is with my--”

“I know where this is going.” Chloe muttered. “Have you been spying on me or something?” She asked, watching as her Mother placed a few pancakes on a plate on the table. Allie motioned her daughter to eat.

“Oh, why would I do that? I didn't even know you were looking out your window at Kyle. You told me.” She smiled, her elbows digging into the wood table, her head supported. “But don't worry. Bloo has calmed down and been sleeping since he returned from your uncles.” She grinned softly.

“Momma, how can you not break down seeing Bloo like that? I mean, he had death in his eyes.” Chloe muttered softly, shoveling a syrupy pancake into her mouth.

“Because I've seen him worst than that. You have to remember Chloe, your Father was deeply in love with me when I dumped him. I had to watch him go insane in front of my eyes, promising me everything just so I could stay.” She blew out some air before raising. “Come on Gerard.” She called. She turned to Chloe. “He'll be alright soon enough. Maybe you should talk to him again after school. Cheer him up.”

The young male literally pranced into the room, his shades glowing as they projected the Internet in front of his eyes. “Morning Mom, Morning Chloe.” He greeted, sitting down just as another plate was place in front of him.

“Gerard, no internet during school. Alright?” She ordered her son, whom only nodded. “Promise?”

“Yeah yeah. I promise Mom.” He rolled his green eyes, shoveling down the food as well. “So Chloe, are you and Kyle going to walk to school?”

“He's human you twit.” Chloe snapped. “So no. We're not. But I better get going.” She pranced to her Mother, giving a small kiss on the cheek. “Love you. Tell Dad I say have a good sleep. I'm off.”

- - -

“You were grounded?! And slapped?!” A calico stared at the blunette in completely amazement. “And by your Mom. She does not seem like the violent type. I would have bet money that your Dad slapped you.”

“Nu-uh. Bloo really doesn't dare to touch me. Well, when I snuck out to see the new Human family across the street he bruised my wrists.” Chloe rubbed her wrists. “I really hurt them Cassie. I felt angry and bad at the same time.”

“Hey!” Cassie grinned, her fingers touching the golden locket. “You begun wearing it again!” She giggled. “I don't think I've seen this since before you all left for Russia.” She gripped onto her shirt over her heart, squeezing and giving a pained look. “Five years without you was so horrible.”

“But we paid you several times to come over.” Chloe pointed out, grasping onto her shoulders. “But please don't cry over the past!” She over-dramatically hugged her friend. “We can get over this!”

Cassie faked cried. “I know! But—those were lonely times. You were in a communist country and all.” She gasped. “Are you communist!?”

“For the bazillionth time. No!” Chloe growled. “And neither is my Father!”

“Chloe, Cassie!” The two girls whipped their heads to the side, grinning.

“Garrett!” They both cried out, glomping onto their male friend. “Welcome back!”

“I should say the same thing to you two sexy ladies.” The red head grinned, pushing the two teens away to examine them.

Cassie only punched his arm softly. “Stop teasing us you gay.” She grumbled, earning a laugh from Chloe. “Don't say it! I will never wrap my head around the fact that this hunk of god is gay!”

The male only blushed, giving a soft chuckle. Chloe cleared her throat. “Come on. We all have first period together. Let's hurry!” She smiled, feeling her friends grab a hold of her arms, walking away.

But she couldn't help but resist when she saw brown hair and large Superman like glasses. Of course the male wore a sweater vests and had his school items beside his hip. “Kyle?”

“Is something wrong Chloe?” Cassie asked.

“I could have sworn I saw a guy.” She muttered.

“Pssht, there are guys everywhere.”

“No, a specific one. A maybe future boyfriend guy.” Her cheeks heated up as Garrett chuckled, muttering 'boy-crazy' under his breath.

- - -

Gosh, Mr. Brown. Chloe muttered in her head as her demon teacher grinned evily down at his new students.

“Ah, won't this be fun.” His fingers skimmed down his list of students, calling out their names to their new seats. “Cassie.” He muttered, pointing to a random chair. “Chlo--” He stopped suddenly, looking up at the blunette, whom tilted her head. “Chloe Bloo.”

“Yes?” She replied, only to see a devilish grin rise on his lips.

“I never expected to see Gerard Bloo have a kid. Your hair tells me that it is not a mistake.” Mr. Brown couldn't help but chuckle. “So who did he knock up?”

“You're going to be cruel to me because of Bloo aren't you?” She snapped back at the demon. “And he just happened to marry Allie Parker.”

“Really?” Mr. Brown seemed stunned. “How does your lovely Mother marry such a beast?” His claws tapped the desk.

“May I just sit down peacefully without you prying into my personal life? If you wish to know more just call my parents saying you must 'speak to them about my grades'” She replied, watching as his eyes narrowed and pointed to a chair in the front. She silently thanked him, taking her place in the class. The front, of course.

Her fingers tapped angrily on her desk, digging small holes. Surely this would get the man angry, but it did not. He only turned his golden eyes toward the female before going back to teach the class. What had Bloo done that even digging holes into the desk would not upset the so called, 'Evil as hell' teacher.

More tapping; more chunks of wood flying off into different directions.

Brown hair, dorky glasses. She spun her body toward the door, seeing the hair fly away from her sight. “Ms. Bloo, please sit correctly.” Mr. Brown growled. Finally, the man was showing his true colors.
But the annoying feeling that she's hallucinating about Kyle scared her.

- - -

“You're crazy for that boy.” Garrett teased, his finger flicked against his lunch. His brown eyes widened as he watched Chloe search. “Snap out of it. Who ever he is, he is not here. You said it yourself.”

“Yeah.” Cassie muttered, swallowing her fish. “You said he cannot possibly go to this school. For whatever reason.” She nudged her her elbow into the blunettes ribcage, causing her to groan. “Stop searching and eat.”

“I'm not hungry.” Chloe snapped. “I'm going insane over this!” She grabbed a fistful of her curls, in hope of bringing some sanity to her head. “Its been days since I've seen him because apparently he's been cooped up in his room.”

“Well, seems like Chloe has been bitten by the love-bug. Again.” Garrett smiled. “Lets hope he's not the same as Ivan. The dick.”

Chloe groaned softly. “Don't even speak of him! Because of that I spent half the time crying and becoming ugly!”

“Ah, sweetie. You're not ugly.” Cassie encouraged, only to receive a glare. “Fine, I won't cheer you up then. But don't worry. Only two more periods and we're home free!” She cried out. She returned to devouring her fish.

“And we have chemistry next. Simple today, thankfully.” Garrett pointed out.

“How 'bout we go there now? Lunch is about to end anyhow.”

“Is it?” Chloe was stunned.

“Yes, you spent all your time searching for your imaginary boyfriend.” Brown eyes rolled as the male pushed himself from the bench. “Come then. We shall enjoy Mr. Octavious. He's the best Chloe. He'll love you!”

“Yeah, thanks. Too bad he wasn't here before I left for Russia.” She muttered.

- - -

“Alright class. Just sit wherever you want.” Mr. Octavious proposed, receiving excitement from the kids. It brought a smile to his face.

The three both sat themselves in a right triangle, leaving an open seat beside Chloe, whom did not care. She enjoyed not sitting near anyone. (Not with random blood lust.) She knew just about everyone from either grade school or when she returned from Communist land. (As what everyone said when she returned.)

Mr. Octavious flipped through his roll sheet, frowning slightly. “Why?” He muttered to himself. No one listened.

“Isn't this exciting?” Cassie grinned. “We get to have an easy class and a hot teacher.” The girl squealed to herself, wiggling in the chair.

“Actually, Chemistry is quite difficult. Nothing like Biology.” Garrett earned a slap across the arm. “Hey! Only telling the truth Cassie.” He hissed.

Chloe still does not know what breed he was. And was too embarrassed to ask. “Aye, Chloe.” Mr. Octavious called out, seeing the girl look up in response. “We are going to have a student come in late, and they'll sit there. Alright?”

“Alright.” Damn She thought, shifting back in her seat. “Always has to be the new kid. Huh?”

“Of course. But you two will probably hit it off. You really are a social butterfly. Oh, I remember the stories your Mom told me from when your Father finally came back.” She smiled. “See, at the time her Mother had no memory of her father and--”

“How sad!” Garrett cried. “Your Father must have been heartbroken!”

“Yes, but uhm, apparently Chloe kept chattering away to him about everyone! Like her Grandpapa, whom of course she wants dead, but gosh. The way Chloe spoke to her Father before knowing everything is hilarious!”

“Shut up.” Chloe hissed. “He was a nice man that called himself, “Gerard Bloo, breaking of pottery.” She groaned. “Those were the goods days.”

“When the two of you didn't bitch about everything!” Cassie giggled. “You would be so scared to meet her Father. Jeez, he's such a communist.”

“He's not a commu--”

Students in the back of the room began hissing wildly. They just so happened to be the animalistic ones.

“What? I've never seen that group get so riled up.” Cassie muttered. The main entrance to the classroom had a small knock as Mr. Octavious rushed over, opening. The hissing got louder. Chloe stayed confused before looking over at her friends.

The smell hit her. Kyle?

“Ah. Please sit by the blue haired woman Kyle. She's a sweetheart if I recall from her friends.” Mr. Octavious responded to Kyle, whom just smiled. Chloe's heart pounded heavily in her chest.

What was he doing here? It was against the law! But Chloe could only smile, excited that he was at the school.

Cassie punched her as Kyle continued to speak to the teacher. “Why are you happy!? He’s a human! The same as those bastards that segregate us from them! Does he have a fucking death wish or something!?” She snarled, matching the rest of the class.

Her heart sank and embarrassment settled in. The human made his way over and sat down, smiling. “Hey there Chloe.” He grinned. “Wow, I can't believe this is your school. Its so different! Exciting!” He really was excited. It was clear in his attitude and voice. “I never thought a place like this existed. Fascinating!”

A blush crept onto Chloe's cheek, her body slumping more into her desk. She was on the verge of tears, feeling everyone staring at her, glaring, hissing.

“You know this idiot?” Cassie hissed, her nails digging into the desk. Chloe nodded, listening to both. Kyle still on his exciting conversation. She wiped her eyes, acting as if they were irritated, trying to get rid of the pink tears that were on the verge of falling.

“Kyle, what are you doing.” She muttered to herself.
I actually feel very proud of myself. About 2400 words, and I just got the info about the school not even a few hours ago.

Rowan, be proud of me.


Oh, and with Mr. Brown. Chloe does not know the relationship between him and Sammael. She's dense.
© 2009 - 2024 AsukaSaruwatari
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Hyperactive-Neko's avatar
OI! What is Garrett? Because if you haven't figured out something, then I has an awesome idea ^^ -wants to draw fan art-